Meteorite Identification, in Australia
Bathurst Observatory Research Facility Meteorite Verification and Valuation
Bathurst Observatory Research Facility, Australia, has one of the only public displays of meteorites in NSW west of Sydney in our Meteorite Museum. We have over 200 specimens on display, ranging from witnessed falls to historical pieces. You can come and see our display of space models, minerals, fossils and meteorites via prior booking.
We also study meteorites as part of our research goals, and have published a number of papers about meteorites.
We can also offer some services to meteorite collectors and researches wishing to display their specimens. These are detailed below. We can offer a verification service, so if you think you may have found a meteorite, we can help. We do not normally sell many meteorites at the observatory, however, we do have some from time to time. Meteorites for sale will be listed on this page.
Prices for services include GST in U.S dollars. All prices may vary, subject to the quantity you require. Prices valid for 2019
Please note to use the email address for meteorite enquiries. Or phone 0427292214 and leave a message (we screen out spam calls). (Overseas, +61 2 6337 3988)
Meteorite Identification and Verification Services.
This service is used to examine specimens that you think may be meteorites. However we do ask the following.
In order to undertake analysis of the specimen provide
- If the sample is to be returned, please include a pre-payed return postage package or cheque to cover postage.
- In order to undertake analysis of the specimen provided, a sample may need to be removed for testing.
- You must remain courteous and respectful and accept that if I say it isn’t a meteorite, it isn’t, despite what your Google searches tell you!
- We will identify the most likely type of meteorite, if tested positive, or identify what the sample is if not a meteorite.
- If the sample does turn out to be a meteorite, we ask that a sample (approximately 1/4 mass or up to 750grams) can be retained by us for research or display. We will then also give you a valuation estimate on the remaining mass.
- In some states (eg Western Australia, South Australia, Tasmania and Northern Territory) meteorites may be the property of the state.
- Charges may apply for testing the sample. However, if positive and you donate a piece for the museum, the costs are waived. (Therefore costs apply to samples that are determined not to be meteorites or when no donation is made).
We can also put you in contact with people that wish to purchase any specimen off you.
Before you send anything, it is best to email a picture first, and check your specimen against the meteorites imaged below.
Below are images of two freshly fallen stony type meteorites. Note they are ash grey inside (not black) and they DO NOT have bubbles, air holes or quartz. Yes a magnet will stick to them, but note there are also a lot of Earth rocks that a magnet will stick to as well. Iron meteorites will look like rusty lumps of iron, and unlikely to be found in humid or wet areas , as they rust away fairly quickly.
Meteorite Recovery
If you witnessed a meteorite fall, or think you know where one has landed, we have a small team of meteorite experts than can locate falls, or offer advice on how to recover and preserve the specimens properly for later research.
Meteorite Petrology
We can give full mineral descriptions of meteorites after making a microscope slide and examining the specimen under our petrological microscope. Petrology is basically the study of the minerals and their characteristics. We take pride in our extensive knowledge in meteorite petrology and are internationally highly respected in this field. (Petrology is undertaken for a small fee of $80, it is free for confirmed new Australian finds dependent on the conditions above).
If you have a meteorite that has already been verified, we can give you an approximate valuation based off its type and size upon examination. This can be done by emailing the information together with an image of the specimen with a ruler for scale and the weight. Or the specimen can be sent to us with return postage for a more accurate valuation. We can be paid a donation via pay pal if you want to!
Though not an endorsed valuation company, our valuations are fair and recognised amongst leading mineral dealers within Australia.