This page details Education Packages available for Schools and Teachers to use.
We offer school groups the chance to be taught astronomy by the only astronomer in the region trained in primary school teaching, with over ten years of actual astronomy educational teaching and research!!! Rather than having to undertake training and trying to operate telescopes yourself, we do all the work for you, and can offer suggestions for prior and post learning. So in essence, we do everything!
We offer the only Earth and Space, Astronomy program that actually is taught to the NSW Australian curriculum needs! Our programs can cater for stage 2 to stage 5 students.
For more information and available dates and times please email. Teachers, note that we also have regular open viewing nights! Come out and trial the program before bringing the class!
Also on offer, does your classroom have Skype or Google +? If you do we can arrange a question and answer session directly into your classroom!
There are a range of new programs that are being completed, that offer both physical visits and programs that you can use in class.
- Impacts from space.
- Using texts as part of a research project.
- Viewing the night sky with telescopes.
- Mythology of the constellations including Indigenous sky law.
Bathurst Observatory Research Facility, simply the best place to learn astronomy and space. Located within Heritage Park (formally Bathurst Sheep and cattle Drome), Limekilns Road, Bathurst 02 6337 3988.
There are many other exciting places to visit in the Bathurst region that can meet a range of NSW Curriculum outcomes. We will be adding links to these sites shortly!