Wind: 18km/h ENE
Humidity: 67%
Pressure: 1023.71mbar
UV index: 2
Open Nights Star Tours.
Bookings essential for all tours.
(All tours subject to weather)
Tours are generally availble on Friday and Saturday Nights, bookings essential.
Note the observatory is NOT available in the week around full Moon..
In addition to normal tours, other midweek tours can be arranged (except Sundays) for groups of 5 or more if I am available.
Tours Prices
Costs :
Adults Donation entry still at present!!!
Children/Concession Donation entry!!!
(Note: we have NO credit card facilities)
Tour bookings and enquires, phone 0427 292 214, or email us.
Our tours are conducted with the only guide with over ten years educational astronomy experience and with Bachelor of Education Honours Degree! Our guide is also an internationally recognised expert in the field of meteorites.
Tours require bookings and are weather dependent. (We can’t see stars through clouds!) Tour duration is about 1 hour, depending on time of year.
We cater for all school astronomy and space excursions, as well as general public telescope tours of the night sky. Primarily we offer our open night tours to inspire everyone to look to the night night sky.